Heavy Rain Happens - Are You Ready?

Properly functioning gutters can save thousands of dollars in water damage repairs. They protect your home from water damage, which can cause issues like: rotting fascia, rotting trim, erosion of soil, basement flooding, and mold and mildew growth. 

Well maintained gutters can also help to preserve the beauty of your property and make your curb appeal more attractive. 

A house without working gutters can remain habitable for a year or two, but it may start becoming damaged right after the season's first snowfall. 

If you want to mitigate the stormwater after it come through your gutter system, you can try these ways to handle storm runoff:

  • Pick a spot in your yard that's on a downward slope or at the bottom of a hill

  • Fill the area with wetland plants that will soak up water

  • Use a rain garden connected to a downspout

  • Use a drip path, a rain chain, or a french drain to a rain garden 


Why is Rain such a Risk?


Gutter Cleaning: Hazard Duty